The goal of the future post is to share knowledge, learn & share, simple & sweet!

As part of WEEKLY’s - Business Case Solution, I will post solution (& past solution) from Data Exploration to final Product. Focus is to help aspirants to show DS/ML in real world.

New Update: 1/26/2020

Due to multiple requests - I have to prioritize different use-cases and focus only on the first-cut model

  1. Time spend by me: < 10 hours/Week (Busy in office hours; please define your business problem clearly)
  2. Reach-out:
  3. Data: If Proprietary data, code will not be shared on Github.

  1. Future Post Context: Primarly, I would focus on how would you take the Data Science + ML from Academia to Business settings in Solving a problem includes Technical, Business and Product Management.

  2. Academia & Industry Experience: 10+ Years of Experience in Data Analytics.

  3. Why it is important for me?:
    • Plethora of information not relevant to industry.
    • Perfect blend of APPLIED DS / ML in business context.
    • Bootcamps, offline / online course, apprentice program are really expensive, with little/no value add!
    • Share, Learn and revist past learnings.
    • Introduce DS concepts to Business stakeholders.
  4. How / What Blog will be shared?:
    • Transition Business Problem to ML/DS Problem.
    • Define Value of solving problem in business context. Think of like a independent consultant!
    • Define end-to-end Lifecycle from data analytics, ML and optimization..
    • Show first cut model. You can extend the model and solution.
  5. New blog & content cadence:

    Every Week:

    • Business use-case
    • Technical Explanation (DS Lifecycle + Deployment Application Integration (optional))
    • Showcase value and vision of the business problem.
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